Parsempo was listed in the extensive annual smart city innovation report composed by the Samuel Neaman Insititute for the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.

A key takeaway for further advancement of smart city infrastructure outlined in the report states that

“There is a need to create innovation teams in the local authorities. One or two people will run the process of innovation in every municipality. 

Training is now provided by the Bloomberg Foundation, which educates dedicated innovation teams Acting under the mayor.

The team’s role in addressing urban challenges is usually multi-departmental, and are required to create work processes and solutions for them.

The problem is evident in small municipalities where there are significant challenges and limited resources. 

It is necessary to establish teams in every authority, even if it consists of one person who manages urban innovation and knowledge not only of the technological tier but also of the metropolitan tier.”

To read the report, follow this link. (Hebrew)

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